Single Audit Update: What to Know and How to Prepare | Clark Nuber Troy Rector Kelly Rancourt | 2 | Intermediate | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
Gearing Up for GASB-94 and 96, as amended by GASB-99 along with related Implementation Guidance | Eric Berman | 2 | Overview | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
Income Taxation of Trusts and Estates and Preparing Form 1041 Part 1 | Steven Siegel | 4 | Intermediate | $92 | add to cartSold Out |
The Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA) | Diane Edelstein | 2 | Basic | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
2023 Governmental Entities and Cyber Frauds | Robert Minniti | 2 | Basic | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
Internal Controls for Smaller Not-For-Profit and Governmental Entities | Robert Minniti | 2 | Intermediate | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
Government Risk Assessments | Robert Minniti | 2 | Basic | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
What's Going on at GASB | Melisa Galasso | 5 | Basic | $85 | add to cartSold Out |
Choice of Entity and Tax Issue Entity Formations: Part 2 | Jennifer Kowal | 4 | Intermediate | $82 | add to cartSold Out |
Disability Insurance Products and Principles | Paul Winn | 3 | Basic | $77 | add to cartSold Out |
Overview of Yellow Book | Diane Edelstein | 2 | Basic | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
GAAP Hot Topics: What You Need to Know | Kelen Camehl | 16 | Basic | $329 | add to cartSold Out |
Overview of Uniform Guidance | Diane Edelstein | 2 | Basic | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
Yellow Book Ethics | Melisa Galasso | 2 | Intermediate | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
Introduction to Yellow Book | Melisa Galasso | 2 | Basic | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
Accounting for Software Sales | Kelen Camehl | 1 | Basic | $49 | add to cartSold Out |
Sampling for Single Audit | Diane Edelstein | 2 | Basic | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
Value-Based Enterprise Management in Government | Gary Cokins | 2 | Overview | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
Auditing for Waste in a Government Entity | Robert Minniti | 2 | Basic | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
The Uses of Trusts and their Tax Consequences | Steven Siegel | 8 | Basic | $145 | add to cartSold Out |
Testing Internal Controls in a Single Audit | Diane Edelstein | 2 | Basic | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
Major Program Determination | Diane Edelstein | 2 | Basic | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
Subrecipient Monitoring under Uniform Guidance | Diane Edelstein | 2 | Basic | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
Auditing Internal Controls for Governments | Robert Minniti | 2 | Intermediate | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
Partnership and LLC Taxation: Entities Taxed as Partnerships | Greg White | 8 | Basic | $145 | add to cartSold Out |