Employee Benefit Plans: Internal Controls and SOC 1 Reports | Lewis Fisher | 2 | Basic | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
ChatGPT for Tax: A Quick Guide to Successful Tax Research | Greg White | 1 | Basic | $53 | add to cartSold Out |
Single Audit Update: What to Know and How to Prepare | Clark Nuber Troy Rector Kelly Rancourt | 2 | Intermediate | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
Minimizing Expense Reimbursement Headaches Caused by the Traveler, the Manager, and Fraud | Mary Schaeffer | 2 | Basic | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
Gearing Up for GASB-94 and 96, as amended by GASB-99 along with related Implementation Guidance | Eric Berman | 2 | Overview | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
Behavioral Finance | Rob Stephens | 5 | Basic | $107 | add to cartSold Out |
Measuring and Managing Customer Profitability | Gary Cokins | 2 | Basic | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
The Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA) | Diane Edelstein | 2 | Basic | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
2023 Governmental Entities and Cyber Frauds | Robert Minniti | 2 | Basic | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
State and Local Reporting: 1099 and SALT Issues | Steven Mercatante | 2 | Basic | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
California Tax Update: Part 1 | Eva Rosenberg | 3 | Update | $83 | add to cartSold Out |
California Tax Update: Part 2 | Eva Rosenberg | 2 | Update | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
2022 C Corporations Update | Bradley Burnett | 2 | Update | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
Making Your Resolutions Work: Create Your 30 Day Personal Purpose Plan | Amy Vetter | 2 | Basic | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
Multistate Income Allocation and Apportionment | Hodgson Russ LLP Open Banks | 2 | Basic | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
Automation for Increasing Personal Efficiency and Effectiveness | Stephen Yoss | 2 | Basic | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
State Tax Considerations When Selling a Business | Hodgson Russ LLP K. Craig Reilly Open Banks Katherine McDonald | 2 | Overview | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
Nexus in the Era of Telecommuting and Market-Based Sourcing | Christopher Doyle Emma Savino Hodgson Russ LLP | 2 | Overview | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
Sales and Use Tax Considerations for Early Stage Companies | Hodgson Russ LLP K. Craig Reilly Ariele Doolittle | 2 | Overview | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
Governmental Accounting and Auditing Update: Year-End Planning | Eric Berman | 2 | Update | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
Local Tax Issues for Multistate Businesses | Debra Herman Hodgson Russ LLP | 2 | Basic | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
Analyzing Financial Efficiency and Performance Ratios | Lynn Fountain | 2 | Basic | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
Creating an Effective and Efficient Travel and Entertainment Expense Reimbursement Policy | Mary Schaeffer | 2 | Basic | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
Internal Controls for Smaller Not-For-Profit and Governmental Entities | Robert Minniti | 2 | Intermediate | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
Multistate Tax Issues for Financial Services | K. Craig Reilly Hodgson Russ LLP | 2 | Basic | $67 | add to cartSold Out |